Hanoi to Sapa bus booking, schedule and price

The most choice of tourist people when travel from Hanoi to Sapa is by bus. Actually the bus is sleeper bus, sleeping bus, overnight bus and night bus. The bus have total 38 berths that comfortable, clean and fit for even a big guy. They always have a guide speak English in the bus and go along with customer, so you can ask any question or concern about tour destination.

Bus routes

Sapa is far away from Hanoi 315km. The most road is high way so it can save more time to transfer between Hanoi and Sapa. Usually the bus take about 5.5 hours to go, sometime depend on traffic problem the bus may take about 6 hours. Because it is large car so they will pick-up and drop-off at the bus station or the tour office at the centre of Hanoi or Sapa.

Hanoi to Sapa bus routes

Kind of bus, bus schedule and price

Hanoi to Sapa bus many kind of bus as follow: sleeper bus, private cabin bus and limousine bus car. Each of bus type provide other experience.

Each of bus type have other schedule but they mostly stop 2 times. For the first one, they stop about 5~10 minutes for break and customer can go to WC. The second one, they stop for about 30 minutes for lunch or dinner, we do not recommended you to eat here because the food is not so special and the price is high than other place. Almost bus will ask you to not use snack on the car, so you can eat when you come to stop point, smart option for tourist people if you want to save money: buy snack and drink before go on the bus, at the stop point you can get it out to enjoy.

Other things to notice is when you go to toilet room, they will ask for the cleaning fees, it is 2.000 VND (USD 0.08) per person. Prepare some small vietnam dong for it!

Hanoi to Sapa sleeper bus & overnight bus

The most choice option for tourist people when travel to Sapa. The sleeper bus all come from travel company and most serve for international customer so they are good at speak English and know what customer want to.

Bus facilites come with:

  • Clean & smooth berths
  • High-class newborn bus
  • Air conditioning
  • Mineral water
  • English speaker tour guide
  • Travel blanket

Sleeper bus schedule:

RouteDeparture TimeArrival Time
Hanoi to Sapa07:00


(Pickup at your hotel)


(At Sapa bus office)
Sapa to Hanoi08:00



(Pickup at Sapa bus office)



(At Hanoi old quarter)

Book your sleeper bus ticket online here!

Hanoi to Sapa limousine bus car

The second choice for Hanoi Sapa transfer, usually the limousine car have 9 seats, but sometime they use the 18 seats. It is high-class business car. They run faster and more smooth than sleeper bus. The seat-berths more comfortable and fit even for a big person.

This choice is very good option for a small group, how can more comfortable than travel with friend & family on a car. It capacity only a small group so it have more air space for you.

Bus facilities:

  • Mineral water
  • More comfortable seat-berths.
  • Faster transfer
  • High-class business car
  • Air conditioning
  • Travel blanket
  • USB charger


RouteDeparture Time Arrival Time
Hanoi – Sapa07:00 – 07:30

15:30 – 16:30
(Pickup at your hotel)
12:30 – 13:00

21:00 – 21:30
(Your hotel at Sapa)
Sapa – Hanoi15:00 – 15:30

07:30 – 08:00
(Your hotel at Sapa)
21:00 – 21:30

13:00 – 13:30
(Your hotel at Hanoi Old Quarter)

Book your limousine ticket online here!

Hanoi to Sapa private cabin bus

This is the most relax and private space bus for traveler. Each person will enjoy private cabin space with LCD TV, USB charger. The bus is the best choice bus, it have only one thing negative is not so good for people who scare alone at small spaces.

Bus facilities:

  • Toilet on the bus
  • Most relax and private cabin
  • USB charge and LCD TV with headphone.
  • English speaker tour guide
  • Air conditioning
  • Mineral water
  • Travel blanket

Bus schedule:

RouteDeparture timeArrival time
Hanoi to Sapa07:00

(Pick up at your hotel)

(At Sapa town)
Sapa to Hanoi13:30

(At bus station)

(At No.01 Cho Gao – Hanoi Old Quarter border)

Book your private cabin bus online here!

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F. Magellan (AU)

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